Saturday, October 10, 2015

Traveling An Airport With An Infant: Take #2

Hey Y'all, I'm home from our trip to Maryland & back into our daily routine. In the past 3 months we have traveled a ton with Carter Cole, he's been on a road trip from Pensacola to Maryland, 8 flights & traveled through 11 states. Instead of revising my previous post I'm going to share what I learned while traveling an airport with an infant: Take #2. I feel like every adventure with Carter Cole, whether it's a quick errand or one that keeps us out of the house all day is a learning experience. I'm constantly trying to make sure that we avoid as many hiccups while out of the house as possible. Each time we travel it's getting easier & easier because we've found a "routine" & we learned from our previous travels. Here's what I learned while traveling an airport with an infant: Take #2. 

On our first family vacation my husband Bo traveled with us. Carter Cole & I flying to Maryland happened just a couple weeks after Bo returned back to work & I missed having an extra set of hands to help with Carter Cole. Thankfully he loves being in our Tula baby carrier & during our travels it saved the day. I was able to carry Carter Cole & have both hands free for airport security check points, restroom breaks, layovers & boarding. Carter Cole was awake for most of our travels & was able to see out of the carrier as we walked around the airport. When Carter Cole fell asleep for a nap he was cozy on my chest & I was still able to have both hands free. Airports can be fast paced & some what noisy, carrying your little one in a carrier may create a more comforting feeling for them. The only time you're not allowed to wear your infant in a baby carrier is during your flights take off & landing. If you are planning to travel with your infant & you haven't used your baby carrier yet you should try it out at home around the house or wear it out during your next errand to make sure you both feel comfortable using it!
One or two hour layovers in between flights are now considered a blessing since traveling with Carter Cole. During each of our travels we've had at least one flight that was delayed which meant we rushed through an airport to catch our next flight. Our flight from Pensacola to Houston during our trip to Oregon was delayed so our 45 minute layover was now only 15 minutes. Our flight from Baltimore to Nashville during our trip home to Pensacola was delayed so our 30 minute layover was now only 5 minutes. The entire layover time was spent rushing to our next gate to board which wasn't enjoyable with an infant. When booking flight tickets, compare flights with a long enough layover to allow time to get to your next gate, a diaper change, bathroom break for you, grab a bite to eat & let your infant stretch out before boarding your next flight. Keep in mind that flight delays are out of your control, however how you handle that time with your infant is in your control! While at our gate during our layovers, I laid a blanket on the floor for Carter Cole to play with his toys, I had a bite to eat & we both stretched out before boarding our next flights. 
You'll need to pack your infants birth certificate or proof of birthday & I learned this one the hard way since I left Carter Cole's at home. I was so mad at myself for being forgetful since we had just traveled across country & I packed it for that trip. I am so thankful for the airline ticket agent, she was nice enough to calm me down & informed me that a picture of his birth certificate or hospital bracelet would work as proof! We included Carter Cole's hospital bracelet in his newborn photos so I had a picture already stored on my phone to make it through security. If I wouldn't have had a picture we would have had to wait for my husband or a family member to send one before we could walk through the security check point.

You should try to change your infants diaper before boarding your flight. Most airport restrooms have at least one full-size diaper changing table or a family restroom with a changing table for your convenience. I suggest you take advantage of having the space to change your infants diaper while you can! I made it a point to change Carter Cole's diaper before each of our scheduled boarding times to eliminate the amount of diaper changes in-flight. Make sure you allot yourself enough time to be back at the gate before scheduled boarding starts, especially if the airline you are flying offers pre-boarding for small children. Diaper changes for us require a changing pad, a diaper & wipes to all be pulled out of our diaper bag & airplane lavatories don't always have a changing table (here begins your juggling lessons). Fortunately for us each of the airplane lavatories had a fold out changing table.. in the case that they didn't I was prepared to get creative! Even though we boarded with a clean diaper I have to admit that I changed two stinky diapers in-flight during our travels to & from Maryland thanks to Carter Cole. 

Carter Cole was awake on our flights this trip & showed no interest in falling asleep. I was prepared with a pre-made bottle or pacifier for take off & landing & toys in case Carter Cole wanted everyone to know he was on the plane. I packed a new toy in his diaper bag, one that he hadn't got to hold or slobber on yet! Since Carter Cole had just turned 2 months he started showing an interest in holding & grabbing for toys & it was the best decision EVER! I brought a stuffed elephant we now call "Abe", it has bright colors, jingles & rattles so each time he grabs it makes a different sound. It kept his attention for at least 15 minutes of each flight & during our layovers. Pack plenty of entertainment for your infant to distract them from sitting in one place for the length of your flight. We were fortunate to sit next to nice people on all of our flights who talked & interacted with Carter Cole so the rest of the time not playing with toys he stayed entertained with funny faces & peekaboo from our row neighbors!

Flying with an infant doesn't have to be a dreadful experience. Keep in mind that you can always ask for help! The airline ticket agents & flight attendants are there to help if you have any questions or need assistance!

Traveling with Carter Cole has actually been enjoyable & I may be planning our next family vacation already! If you have suggestions for our future travels leave them in the comments!

xo, Jordan

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